Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Borzo"

Borzo to move headquarters from Amsterdam to Mumbai

25 Jun 2024 7:29 AM GMT
"Decision to shift HQ reaffirmation of focus on capturing India opportunity & expanding client base and business."

The need for bridging the logistics gap for small, medium businesses

3 Jan 2024 4:00 AM GMT
Nowadays, e-commerce companies of all sizes—large, medium and small—and their logistics partners worldwide are facing certain unique challenges. First...

Borzo launches anti-fraud feature for CoDs

7 Oct 2023 12:55 PM GMT
During the pilot phase in India, frauds were reduced by 85% in three months

Why you can’t move a step without 4PL

7 Aug 2023 9:19 AM GMT
Previously, large corporate houses owned fleets of high-speed trucks with flashy company logos. But, now, things have changed significantly.

EVs preferred choice for last mile delivery: Borzo

24 Jun 2023 8:09 AM GMT
Over 50% of survey participants reported saving more than 30% on petrol expenses each month

Borzo completes 15mn deliveries in India, revenue doubles

1 Dec 2022 7:03 AM GMT
Borzo currently has 35,000 active courier partners, to reward top 10 performers

Borzo India strengthens B2B initiatives

18 May 2022 11:02 AM GMT
Courier partner will directly transfer/deposit COD amount to business account within 24 hours.
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