Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Arun Jaitley"

National Logistics Portal to enhance trade efficiencies, trial run to end by March 2019

28 Aug 2018 6:59 AM GMT
August 28, 2018: The National Logistics Portal, which is being developed to ensure ease of trading in the international and domestic markets, will be...

Budget 2018 gets mixed reactions from Logistics industry

6 Feb 2018 6:39 AM GMT
February 2, 2018: The Union Budget 2018, which had major announcements for the logistics and transport sector, evoked mixed reactions from the industr

Logistics industry gives a thumbs up to Union Budget 2018

1 Feb 2018 1:07 PM GMT
February 1, 2018: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his Union Budget 2018 speech announced that Rs 1.48 lakh crore has been allocated for railway capit

Union Budget 2018: Aviation industry lauds announcements

1 Feb 2018 12:23 PM GMT
February 1, 2018: Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his Union Budget 2018 speech has said that the government is aiming to expand airport capacity by 5
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