Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Maersk Line India"

FROM MAGAZINE : Container Shipping in India setting a new trend

17 Sep 2018 12:33 PM GMT
Container trade in India seems to finally head in the right direction with the introduction of new policies and processes, digitalisation, automation,...

Maersk Line to facilitate customers with export, import service offerings at Kakinada port

3 April 2018 5:29 AM GMT
April 3, 2018: Maersk Line India has announced the introduction of export and import service offerings at Kakinada port in Andhra Pradesh. This end to

Maersk Line brings convenient logistic solutions to Kerala

21 Dec 2017 10:35 AM GMT
December 21, 2017: Maersk Line has announced key offerings for Kerala, aimed at enabling and facilitating trade.

Steve Felder to take charge as managing director of Maersk Line India

11 Sep 2017 6:30 PM GMT
September 12, 2017: Maersk Line announced the appointment of Steve Felder as Managing Director (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and...
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