Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "HyperloopTT"

HyperloopTT unveils its Hyperloop passenger capsule

3 Oct 2018 9:31 AM GMT
October 3, 2018: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT) provided a first look of their full-scale passenger Hyperloop capsule recently at...

HyperloopTT moves ahead with first commercial hyperloop system in the UAE

19 April 2018 9:16 AM GMT
April 19, 2018: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT) has revealed the signing of an agreement with Aldar Properties PJSC, a leading rea

Hyperloop TT commences construction on world’s first full-scale passenger & freight system

13 April 2018 10:55 AM GMT
April 13, 2018: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT) has announced the arrival of the first set of tubes designed to move both people a

HyperloopTT opens first global innovation center for logistics in Brazil

7 April 2018 10:52 AM GMT
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT) has announced the establishment of HyperloopTT
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