Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Celebi"

Celebi Delhi Cargo introduces WhatsApp chatbot for international cargo

22 Dec 2022 9:31 AM GMT
Cargo customers can get a real-time update and track the status of international cargo using the Air Waybill number.

ÇELEBI Delhi Cargo terminal achieves IATA CEIV pharma certification

1 Sep 2021 12:07 PM GMT
September 1, 2021: Çelebi Delhi Cargo Terminal Management, the joint venture between (Delhi International Airport) DIAL and Çelebi Ground Handling...

Kale receives award letter for ACS from an Indian cargo airport on east coast

26 Aug 2021 6:23 PM GMT
August 27, 2021: Amar More, chief executive officer of Kale Logistics Solutions, informed that they have received a letter of award from a large cargo...

Celebi gets ground handling contracts in Cochin and Kannur Airports

15 Jan 2018 12:54 PM GMT
January 15, 2018: Celebi has launched its operations in Cochin International Airport with the provision of handling services to Air Asia Thai flight r
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