Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "BlackBuck"

BlackBuck files IPO papers for raising Rs 550cr

8 July 2024 9:03 AM GMT
BlackBuck reported a 69% increase in operating revenue at Rs 297 crore for FY2024, loss declined to Rs 167 crore

Tech-driven truck aggregators are game-changers in transport industry

28 Jun 2022 11:07 AM GMT
Trucktech aggregators create digital freight networks that bring together truckers & shippers with ML-based algorithms.

BlackBuck waives off commission; sets up Rs 50 crore fund for truckers

29 April 2020 12:33 PM GMT
April 29, 2020: The online trucking platform, BlackBuck has completely waived off commission from truckers to encourage resume operations, set up a Rs...

Maersk, Blackbuck partnership to bring revolution in containerised trucking market

21 Aug 2019 6:09 AM GMT
August 21, 2019: Maersk has collaborated with BlackBuck, India’s largest online marketplace for trucking, to provide an online marketplace for...

FROM MAGAZINE: Tracking innovations in logistics

25 July 2019 2:13 PM GMT
Trading intuition for accurate data-driven insight has been a compulsory and continuous journey for today’s logistics businesses. This quest has led...

IoTNext 2017 focuses on expansion of startup ecosystem in India

8 Nov 2017 6:30 PM GMT
November 9, 2017: India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) and The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), Bangalore, commenced the two-day IoTNext...
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