Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Air India Express"

International cargo operations start from Mangaluru Airport

9 July 2024 6:22 AM GMT
Operations began with Air India Express flight IX 815 carrying 2,522 kgs of fresh fruits and vegetables to Abu Dhabi

Indian air cargo mkt touches 2.2mn tonnes: Trade And Transport Group

15 March 2023 1:38 PM GMT
Cargo handled is likely to increase to 2.4-2.5 million tonnes in 2023 even as passenger/belly capacity comes back

Cargo significant focus for Air India; to be a major part of revenue mix

27 Feb 2023 1:49 PM GMT
In a press conference, Air India CEO said that both India and Air India have enormous potential to become a significant international player in...

Ministry will not tolerate compromise on air safety: Hardeep Singh Puri

22 July 2019 7:00 AM GMT
July 22, 2019: Hardeep Singh Puri, minister of state (independent charge) for civil aviation, housing and urban development has said that by 2040 air...

Air India Express launches international operations from Surat

18 Feb 2019 11:03 AM GMT
Feb 18, 2019: Gujarat’s Surat has made it to the international aviation map with the first Air India Express flight making its maiden visit to the...

Government to ensure AI's control stays with domestic partners

16 Jan 2018 11:21 AM GMT
January 16, 2018: In order to ensure that the ownership and effective management control of Air India stays with an Indian entity, the government is l

Air India sale to include Air India Express, AI-SATS

3 Dec 2017 6:30 PM GMT
December 4, 2017: The government is said to have decided that the sale of Air India will involve its core aviation assets packaged with Air India...
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