Indian Transport & Logistics
Libin Chacko Kurian

Libin Chacko Kurian

Assistant Editor at STAT Media Group, he has six years of experience in business journalism covering food & beverage, nutraceuticals and now logistics. His current passion is to understand the nuances of global supply chains and their current turmoil. Outside work, he is also interested in philosophy, history, birding and travelling. Mail him: Follow on LinkedIn

TVS ILP plans InvIT to fund growth

20 July 2024 8:06 AM GMT
TVS ILP is planning to launch InvIT while the Indian warehousing sector is booming. Ramnath Subramaniam of TVS IM speaks about their need for InvIT,...

“Vadhvan Port to see first vessel berthing by Dec 2029”: JNPA chairman

20 Jun 2024 4:17 PM GMT
JNPA chairman Unmesh Sharad Wagh also said, “Once this is completed, we don't require another port in the western side of India for the next 50...

Supply chain resilience crucial for affordable medicines

18 May 2024 3:30 AM GMT
The Indian pharmaceutical industry is getting into the next phase of growth. However, the supply chain issues are keeping the sector from offering...

How global supply network helps Fleetguard Filters to be competitive

11 May 2024 11:19 AM GMT
Fleetguard Filters (FFPL) is a leading manufacturer of filtration solutions for the automobile industry and caters to 100+ OEMS spread across the...

Northeast India: Next frontier in TVS ILP’s expansion

11 April 2024 5:36 AM GMT
The Indian logistics park developer TVS ILP is getting into a new phase of growth and they are looking at the eastern and northeastern regions as...

Customisation, competence, costs drive Indian contract logistics

5 April 2024 8:30 AM GMT
The demand for contract logistics is rising as the Indian economy is on a growth trajectory. While e-commerce is churning out new dimensions and...

A trucking business saga from North East

27 Jan 2024 3:30 PM GMT
Amarnath Paribahan is a 40-year-old family trucking business based in Guwahati, Assam and it grew from a fleet of 50 trucks and 60 drivers to 200...

Securing Indian automotive supply chain from disruptions

27 Jan 2024 3:00 PM GMT
The supply chain and logistics heads of Indian automotive and component manufacturers are still haunted by the disruptions that started with the...

Indian air cargo: Rising above the rest

27 Jan 2024 2:30 PM GMT
The Indian air cargo industry holds the potential to beat the competition and achieve the ambitious targets it has set for itself. But it also depends...

Kenya Airways to fly new B737-800 freighter into Mumbai from Jan 15

14 Dec 2023 2:41 PM GMT
With the routing Nairobi-Sharjah-Mumbai-Nairobi, KQ has plans to expand the frequency to four times per week.

Logistics compliance strategies for the new pharma

9 Dec 2023 2:30 AM GMT
Pharma shippers are pointing towards a very different and new pharmaceutical industry that will emerge soon. Such a change will demand a complete...

IMEC: India's chance to manifest itself?

7 Dec 2023 5:00 AM GMT
One of the most ambitious logistics projects ever imagined and with all the uncertainties around, IMEC holds the potential to transform global trade...
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