Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Wilson Kwong"

Hactl join hands with STAT Media as Sustainability Partner for events

29 Aug 2023 6:00 AM GMT
STAT Media Group is excited to announce a partnership with Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) – Hong Kong’s largest independent cargo...

"Hactl focuses on increasing competitiveness, especially during downturns"

24 Jun 2023 10:45 AM GMT
Watch Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals (Hactl) speaks about how the company responds to a downturn and the investment...

Hactl signs up to ULD CARE’s Code of Conduct

27 Jun 2019 4:30 AM GMT
June 27, 2019: Independent handler Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) has become Hong Kong

Mark Whitehead to retire from HACTL in March; Wilson Kwong to take charge

18 Jan 2018 6:09 AM GMT
January 17, 2018: Mark Whitehead, chief executive of Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) will retire on March 7th after nearly 8 years at th
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