Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "TAPA"

Flipkart awarded TAPA FSR 'A' certification for 75 fulfilment centres

22 Nov 2022 11:47 AM GMT
Flipkart is the first company globally to be recognized with multisite ‘A’ accreditation and the only e-commerce company to receive the certification.

EMEA supply chains report cargo thefts worth €172 million in 2020

21 April 2021 4:36 AM GMT
April 21, 2021: Product thefts from supply chains in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) in 2020 produced losses of more than €172 million...

Supply chains ready to handle security challenge of Covid vaccines: TAPA

13 Nov 2020 9:43 AM GMT
November 13, 2020: Pharmaceutical supply chains are about to face their biggest security challenge for a generation and are ready for it as the world...
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