Indian Transport & Logistics

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SkyCell gets $59mn from Tybourne, CCI, closes $116mn Series D

26 Jun 2024 6:23 AM GMT
SkyCell transports $2.5bn of pharma goods including vaccines, cancer treatments, diabetes care & diagnostic solutions

M&G’s Catalyst invests $57mn in SkyCell

1 Nov 2023 7:21 AM GMT
SkyCell transports more than $1.5 billion of pharma goods per month around the world

SkyCell partners with Marken to enhance pharmaceutical transport

8 Jun 2023 1:47 PM GMT
The collaboration will provide Marken, the clinical trials logistics subsidiary of UPS Healthcare, with SkyCell containers to ship critical and...

SkyCell's new container is lighter yet offers up to 1,000 kg capacity

5 April 2022 7:01 AM GMT
The 1500X enables pharma shipments for products that need to be kept at +2°C to +8°C or +15°C to +25°C.
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