Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "predictive analytics"

Shipnext secures Belgian grant to boost AI in shipping

27 Sep 2023 11:14 AM GMT
Shipnext will receive an initial grant of €400,000 in the coming months

44% of Indian firms to deploy logistics service delivery asset tracking solutions on cloud in next 3 years: HERE report

12 May 2023 9:48 AM GMT
'APAC On The Move' report by HERE Technologies uncovers the latest pulse on the transport and logistics sector within the Asia Pacific

Cargobase, GateHouse Maritime announce extension of their partnership

9 May 2023 11:21 AM GMT
The ongoing collaboration between Cargobase and GateHouse fuels data-driven solutions for enterprise shippers

3SC Solutions appoints Mark Gordon as Director of Sales- USA

1 March 2023 12:20 PM GMT
3SC Solutions aims to redouble expansion efforts in the region

India's warehousing sector checks into the fast lane

21 May 2022 4:15 AM GMT
Buoyed by the e-commerce sector and the growth of the Indian industry, warehousing in India has undergone a metamorphosis. With technological...
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