Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Opticooler"

DoKaSch expands global presence with new depot in Dubai

23 Nov 2023 10:28 AM GMT
Dubai station to play key role in global supply chain for pharma products: Andreas Seitz, Managing Director, DoKaSch

FROM MAGAZINE: Building logistics competencies for India's pharma exports

17 Sep 2019 3:30 PM GMT
Over the last 30 years, India’s pharmaceutical industry has evolved from being almost non-existent to becoming a world leader in the production of...

Etihad Cargo to enhance its cool chain service with DoKaSch’s Opticooler

18 April 2018 10:40 AM GMT
April 18, 2018: Etihad Cargo and DoKaSch Temperature Solutions-a provider of climate-controlled solutions for air cargo have signed a master agreement

China Airlines inks deal with DoKaSch Temperature Solutions

21 Sep 2017 6:30 PM GMT
September 22, 2017: DoKaSch Temperature Solutions, the German provider of climate-controlled solutions for intercontinental air shipment of...
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