Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Mumbai Port Trust"

Mumbai Port completes PCS 1x API integration with all 36 messages

29 July 2020 7:59 AM GMT
July 29, 2020: With the deployment of AGDORD - Agent Delivery Order message on July 13, 2020, Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT) completed its API integration...

India plans to lease out 9,035 acres of port land in Mumbai, Kolkata & Gujarat

28 Feb 2020 6:11 AM GMT
February 28, 2020: In order to generate additional revenue, the Indian government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is planning to lease out around...

FROM MAGAZINE: The Huge Untapped Potential in Coastal Shipping

16 Nov 2018 10:12 AM GMT
Placing his bet on the coastal shipping for being the most economical and clean mode of transportation, Avi Dutt highlights the untapped opportunities...

Cochin Shipyard signs MoU with Mumbai Port Trust

11 Jan 2018 10:24 AM GMT
January 11, 2018: Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) signed an MoU with Mumbai Port Trust (MbPT) for management and operation of the Ship repair facilities
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