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You Searched For "Dorothea von Boxberg"

Dorothea von Boxberg to succeed Peter Gerber as CEO of Lufthansa Cargo

19 Nov 2020 10:54 AM GMT
November 19, 2020: Lufthansa Cargo announced Dorothea von Boxberg as its new chief executive officer and chairwoman of the executive board effective...

Lufthansa Cargo unveils new e-booking portal to accelerate process

11 Nov 2020 11:03 AM GMT
November 11, 2020: Lufthansa Cargo on Tuesday unveiled a new three-step online booking portal, eBooking, to accelerate the booking process for its...

Lufthansa Cargo names J. Florian Pfaff as VP Asia Pacific

22 March 2019 11:17 AM GMT
March 22, 2019: J. Florian Pfaff, currently Vice President Germany with Lufthansa Cargo, will move to Asia with effect from 1 June 2019. Based in...

von Boxberg set to replace von Hoensbroech as later moves to head Austrian Airlines

12 April 2018 8:52 AM GMT
April 12, 2018: Dorothea von Boxberg is set to take charge as the executive board member product and sales, at Lufthansa Cargo AG from August onwards.
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