Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "DMICDC"

DLDS’ LBS app completes tracking 25 million containers

29 May 2020 10:36 AM GMT
May 29, 2020: The Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) Logistic Data Services (DLDS) has completed tracking 25 million...

DLDS launches container tracking service at Paradip and Mormugao ports

29 Nov 2019 6:53 AM GMT
November 29, 2019: DMICDC Logistics Data Services (DLDS) has launched its container tracking service ‘Logistics Data Bank’ (LDB) at Paradip...

DMICDC starts pan-India operations of Logistics Data Bank services

19 Dec 2017 2:21 PM GMT
December 19, 2017: DMICDC Logistics Data Services (DLDS), a joint venture between Government of India represented by National Industrial Corridor Deve
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