Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "CO2"

Lufthansa Cargo, DB Schenker show commitment to avoid CO2 on a B777F

21 May 2021 6:13 AM GMT
May 21, 2021: On Wednesday (May 19), the Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 777 freighter with the registration D-ALFG took off for the first time with a very...

Port of Hamburg will offer shore-based power supply from 2023

10 Oct 2019 8:30 AM GMT
October 10, 2019: Port of Hamburg will become the first port in Europe to offer shore-based power supply both for cruise liners and...

CMA CGM reaffirms commitment to tread on green path

18 April 2018 11:37 AM GMT
April 18, 2018: The CMA CGM Group has welcomed the adoption, by member countries of the IMO, of a strategy aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 50 pe
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