Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Maersk Spot"

Maersk reports record uptake for its mobile app in India during Apr-Jun quarter

14 July 2020 11:55 AM GMT
July 14, 2020: Maersk’s mobile application recorded over 1.8 million actions in April - June quarter, more than double of those recorded in the...

Digital platforms help Maersk sail through Covid-19

7 April 2020 11:47 AM GMT
April 7, 2020: Maersk, the global logistics company, urged their customers to make full use of their online platforms to stay safe and to do business.

FreightBro now allows to book container space online with Maersk Spot APIs

27 Jan 2020 5:51 AM GMT
January 27, 2020: The freight-tech start-up FreightBro today announced the integration of Maersk Spot into its digital platform that allows to book...

CargoSphere integrates Maersk Spot on its neutral rates platform

5 Sep 2019 12:30 PM GMT
September 5, 2019: CargoSphere, a developer and provider of software solutions to the global logistics execution industry has launched Maersk Spot on...

Online product Maersk Spot launched to simplify buying process

25 Jun 2019 11:28 AM GMT
June 25, 2019: Container logistics company Maersk has launched its online product Maersk Spot to simplify the buying process for its customers.
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