He is an academic at heart: Mihir Bhadkamkar of ATC Group
June 21, 2020: From customs broker to door-to-door logistics; and through knowledge and right people, such is the story remembered by Mihir Bhadkamkar of ATC Group about his father’s journey with the company.

June 21, 2020: From customs broker to door-to-door logistics; and through knowledge and right people, such is the story remembered by Mihir Bhadkamkar of ATC Group about his father’s journey with the company.
While ATC Group was started by Mihir’s grandfather, Shantanu Bhadkamkar has been instrumental in steering the wheels of the company to what it is now. Speaking to Indian Transport & Logistics News (ITLN) on the occasion of Father’s Day, Mihir revisited the story of how it all started for his father.
How did your father bring the company together and made it what it is today? What qualities you think helped him get here?
The company was started by my grandfather & a couple of his friends. My dad had to take over at a very young age due to the sudden demise of my grandfather.
The company at that time was a small custom broker operating in Mumbai. If dad had a choice he would have become a researcher or a scientist. He is an academic at heart. During that time custom clearance was extremely regulated plus our country was going through a financial crisis in the late ’80s.
This academic aspect of him enabled him to study & understand the customers product & customs law applicable to them. His ability to understand both would amongst other many strengths be our differentiator. Second, our company decided to move from a customs broker to a door to door logistics company.
Dad along with Makarand Moghe, our director, were able to build SBU’s & identify strong team members who would become pillars of our growth post-liberalisation. So knowledge & people selection.
What are some of the qualities, picked from your dad, that really help you?
I believe looking at a situation from all angles (360-degree view) and being honest to customers and team members
Tell us about an occasion when you and your father worked together and delivered on a project.
I remember one consignment early in my career. The cargo was stuck at IST airport for a week due to the runway issues. It was an express shipment needed for a refinery. The guidance I got on how to interact with the customer, how to find a solution, to handle the situation with airlines has helped me till date.
Keeping current times in mind, what do you have to say to the younger generation?
In the coming years, the life span of a business or an idea is going to be less than 10 years. Companies will have to reinvent & re-innovate themselves every few years. At the management level, we will have to spend one-hour at-least every day on thinking, planning, strategising about the direction we want to take the company in. Many times we convince ourselves that due to day to day workload we don't find time for it.
Regarding induction & entry into the business, I would say You have spent time with your father, grandfather all your life. That is your strength. You know how they will react or what criteria is needed to convince them to make changes or start something new. Somethings will go your way & some won't.