Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Visakhapatnam Port"

Visakhapatnam Port makes it to top 20; Asian ports continue to excel

5 Jun 2024 2:18 PM GMT
Global maritime shifts impact container port performance, says the latest Container Port Performance Index (CPPI)

Visakha Container Terminal sets productivity record of 110 moves per hour

15 April 2021 11:04 AM GMT
April 15, 2021: Visakha Container Terminal (VCT), a joint venture between DP World and J M Baxi Group, at Visakhapatnam Port has set a new ship...

Major Ports report positive growth of 3.77%

14 Jan 2019 9:20 AM GMT
January 14, 2019: The major ports in India have recorded a growth of 3.77 percent and together handled 518.6 million tonnes of cargo during the period...
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