Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "twill"

Digital platforms help Maersk sail through Covid-19

7 April 2020 11:47 AM GMT
April 7, 2020: Maersk, the global logistics company, urged their customers to make full use of their online platforms to stay safe and to do business.

Twill extends service offering across Asia and the US, to include all incoterms

12 Nov 2018 11:51 AM GMT
November 12, 2018: Digital shipping company Twill has announced that it has extended its service offering across Asia and the US, to include all...

Twill becomes ‘a Maersk Innovation’ company

4 Sep 2018 10:03 AM GMT
Sep 04, 2018: Digital freight forwarder, Twill has announced a change in its brand affiliation from Damco to Maersk. The platform was created as a...

Twill to launch in India on June 4

2 Jun 2018 8:54 AM GMT
June 2, 2018: Twill, Damco’s digital freight forwarder will be launched in India from June 4 to provide its customers with greater control of...
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