Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "TRAXENS"

Traxens partners with Port of Rotterdam to gather data from Container 42

29 Oct 2019 6:32 AM GMT
October 29, 2019: Data and services provider Traxens will partner with Port of Rotterdam for the #WeAre42 Smart Container project.

Traxens develops first standards for smart container data exchange

3 Oct 2019 10:39 AM GMT
October 3, 2019: Technology service provider Traxens has developed the first standards for smart container data exchange published by the United...

Reservations over data privacy still a concern, discuss panelists at Mov'India 2019

30 May 2019 10:43 AM GMT
May 30, 2019: Shipping company CMA CGM India organised a conference on May 29 in Mumbai on the sidelines of the launch of its Mov’India 2019 campaign.

TRAXENS by CMA CGM to enhance containers tracking

20 Jun 2018 6:13 AM GMT
June 20, 2018: As part of its Customer Centricity strategy, CMA CGM Group has announced the commercialisation of a connected containers offer- TRAXENS...
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