Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Rodolphe Saade"

CMA CGM Group Q2 net revenue up 7% on stable operations

26 July 2024 7:40 AM GMT
Higher revenue for logistics business, boosted by consolidation of Bolloré Logistics since February 29, 2024

CMA CGM to use Google AI across shipping, logistics

19 July 2024 9:35 AM GMT
Combination of each company's expertise and knowledge to create an AI-assisted future for CMA CGM and its industries

CMA CGM to invest $600mn in US terminals

12 Oct 2023 3:08 PM GMT
CMA CGM renames GCT Bayonne and New York terminals as Port Liberty New York and Port Liberty Bayonne

CMA CGM Q2 revenue drops 37%, net income plummets 83%

29 July 2023 6:45 AM GMT
Volume carried was almost flat at 5.60 million TEUs, average revenue per TEU declined 10% to $1,491 YoY

Mark Sutch's turbulent flight with CMA CGM Air Cargo

29 July 2022 8:30 AM GMT
Sutch quit his CCO job at CMA CGM Air Cargo in less than 3 months and on the same day Sutch put in his resignation, the COO Hughes Marchessaux also...

CMA CGM to launch world’s largest LNG-powered containerships

26 Sep 2019 7:42 AM GMT
September 26, 2019: The CMA CGM Group will be launching the worlds largest containership of 23,000 TEUs, powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG).

CMA CGM eSolutions launched for better customer experience

26 April 2019 7:09 AM GMT
April 26, 2019: CMA CGM Group, one of the world leaders in shipping and logistics, has launched CMA CGM eSolutions. It is an entirely digital...

Rodolphe Saade to take charge as CMA CGM chairman, founder retires

24 Nov 2017 6:30 PM GMT
November 25, 2017: CMA CGM has reported a growth of 11.6 percent in the volumes carried in the third quarter as compared to the same period in 2016.
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