Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Peter Sand"

Asia-Europe spot could exceed $20,000/FFE: Sea-Intelligence

13 Jun 2024 9:13 AM GMT
Strike threats at U.S. East and Gulf Coast ports may see importers accelerate efforts to protect ocean supply chains

Ocean freight spot rates to rally on uncertainty and disruptions

31 May 2024 7:01 AM GMT
Spot rates to reach level we haven’t seen since 2022 when Covid-19 pandemic was still wreaking chaos: Peter Sand, Xeneta

Maersk pauses all Red Sea transits

3 Jan 2024 7:53 AM GMT
Maersk Hangzhou was attacked multiple times by Houthis in the Red Sea last week

Maersk to restart sailing through Red Sea

25 Dec 2023 8:11 AM GMT
"Operation Prosperity Guardian set up & deployed to allow maritime commerce to pass through Red Sea/Gulf of Aden"

Maersk, Hapag halt Red Sea movements after attacks

16 Dec 2023 9:37 AM GMT
After Panama Canal shock, the terror attacks on container ships can disrupt supply chain in 2024

Xeneta forecasts stormy 2024 as shipping lines to hike rates

23 Oct 2023 9:59 AM GMT
"Businesses who locked into long-term contracts at lower end of 2023 prices could be first to suffer if market turns"

Container shipping nears turning point: Container xChange

19 Sep 2023 7:07 AM GMT
Carriers adopt slow steaming to manage tonnage; cost of moving empty containers, especially to Asia, remains significant

2M split: Container shipping heading for turmoil

26 Jan 2023 6:52 AM GMT
After controlling 35% capacity, the 2M alliance partners will now fight for market share and the same set of customers

76% Xeneta customers want to use index-linked contracts

7 Oct 2022 2:00 PM GMT
43% Xeneta customers anticipate disruption but no major issue even if carriers blank 50% of all scheduled sailings.

Operations steadying at JNPT container terminal after IT 'disruption'

23 Feb 2022 3:53 PM GMT
JNPT has chalked out a standard operating procedure for an interim period for handling EXIM containers at JNPCT.

High freight rates till year-end: Peter Sand 

30 Sep 2021 7:18 AM GMT
As the average length of journey increases, partly due to port congestion in China, soaking up capacity and pushing up spot rates, shipowners will...
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