Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "netzero"

Wilson Kwong, Chief Executive Officer, Hactl, on people, planet and profit

19 July 2024 10:00 AM GMT
At the air cargo China and transport logistic China exhibition and conference in Shanghai, Reji John, Editor, STAT Media Group, interviews Wilson...

Lufthansa Cargo mimics sharks in the air

7 Sep 2023 1:45 PM GMT
After IATA's 77th annual general meeting on 4th of October in Boston, USA, many airlines worldwide made a commitment to achieve net zero carbon...

Marie Owens Thomsen, SVP & Chief Economist, International Air Transport Association or (IATA)

4 Sep 2023 12:40 PM GMT
In 2021, International Air Transport Association (IATA) member airlines approved a resolution to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050....

GertJan Roelands, Senior Vice President Commercial at Air France KLM Martinair Cargo

10 July 2023 12:21 PM GMT
Dual hub air cargo operator Air France KLM Martinair Cargo carried one million tonnes of cargo in 2022 to 223 worldwide destinations using 6...

Will there be a peak season for air freight in 2023? Find out from Asok Kumar of DB Schenker

5 Jun 2023 12:30 PM GMT
Reji John, Editor of STAT Media Group, interviews Asok Kumar, Executive Vice President, Head of Global Air Freight, DB Schenker, in this episode of...
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