Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "InVIT"

TVS ILP plans InvIT to fund growth

20 July 2024 8:06 AM GMT
TVS ILP is planning to launch InvIT while the Indian warehousing sector is booming. Ramnath Subramaniam of TVS IM speaks about their need for InvIT,...

$3.8 bn funding needed to meet India's 223 mn sq ft warehousing demand in next 3 Years: Report

14 Nov 2022 12:33 PM GMT
Grade A warehouse absorption rose from 34 mn sq. ft. in 2018 to 48.5 mn sq ft in 2021 at a CAGR of 12.6%, supply up from 37.8 mn sq. ft. to 51 mn sq....
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