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Full implementation of IATA ONE Record by 2026 – are you ready? Ingrid Lee of Cathay Cargo answers.

8 April 2024 5:30 AM GMT
At the recent IATA World Cargo Symposium in Hong Kong Ingrid Lee, Head of Cargo Digital, Cathay Pacific Airways speaks to Reji John, Editor, STAT...

“We hold more than 90% of the total e-commerce that arrives in Brazil”

5 April 2024 12:30 PM GMT
Hugo Repolho, Head of Cargo, GRU Airport speaks to Nehal Gautam of STAT Media Group during the recently concluded IATA’s World Cargo Symposium in Hong...

“Overall we still have works to do; a year has flown by so quickly…” says Kirsten de Bruijn

1 April 2024 2:30 PM GMT
Just a month ahead of completing one year of freighter operations by WestJet, Reji John, Editor, STAT Media Group, interviews Kirsten de Bruijn,...
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