Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Gemini Cooperation"

Gemini Cooperation: FMC requests additional information

13 July 2024 7:22 AM GMT
"Agreement as submitted lacks sufficient detail to allow for a complete analysis of its potential competitive impacts."

Drewry says Gemini strategy relies heavily on hub port performance

25 March 2024 1:50 PM GMT
Services operated under the Gemini cooperation agreement will make extensive use of 15 hub ports

Harim walks out of $5bn deal to buy HMM

7 Feb 2024 7:10 AM GMT
Talks fail on rights to manage HMM, three-year lock-up demand for consortium partner JKL Partners

Gemini Cooperation: Hapag, Maersk plan partnership from February 2025

17 Jan 2024 9:32 AM GMT
Gemini Cooperation will cover seven global trades and offer 26 mainline services
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