Indian Transport & Logistics

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Shippers - watch out for container market movements in H22024

22 July 2024 7:03 AM GMT
Importing goods on Far East-Europe trade using the spot market now costs an additional $6.97mn/1,000 containers shipped

Xeneta says frontloading, macroeconomics to impact shipping in H22024

15 July 2024 12:56 PM GMT
2024 has seen record-breaking numbers of new ships delivered but overcapacity previously expected has not materialised

Qatar Airways, Boeing finalise order for 5 B777 freighters worth $1.8 billion

11 July 2019 11:30 AM GMT
July 11, 2019: Qatar Airways and Boeing finalised a significant order for five Boeing 777 freighters worth $1.8 billion at current list prices during...

Trade disputes affected FedEx 2019 earnings; delivery giant positive about fiscal 2020

27 Jun 2019 8:12 AM GMT
June 27, 2019: US delivery giant FedEx Corporation, in an earnings call for Q4, has said that financial year 2019 [June 2018 to May 2019] was...

US bans flights over Iran airspace; cargo movements to be affected

22 Jun 2019 9:47 AM GMT
June 22, 2019: The US Federal Aviation Administration has barred US operators from flying in an overwater area of Tehran-controlled airspace over the...
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