Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Container xChange"

Consumer demand revival to drive rates in H22024: Container xChange

10 July 2024 1:23 PM GMT
Geopolitical disruptions and potential labour unrest to also influence this period

Container price bubble expected to burst in H22024

6 Jun 2024 7:01 AM GMT
Average container prices spike by 45% in May; majority of logistics professionals expect further hikes in coming weeks

Baltimore bridge collapse seen affecting port, economy

27 March 2024 1:00 PM GMT
Vessel traffic into/out of Baltimore port suspended until further notice; six workers were missing and presumed dead

US, allies strike 8 targets in Yemen

23 Jan 2024 2:16 PM GMT
As Chinese New Year approaches, we expect tightening of container availability: Christian Roeloffs, Container xChange

#RedSeaImpact: Spot rates zoom, longer lead times ahead

22 Dec 2023 9:45 AM GMT
MSC introduces a new acronym - contingency adjustment charge (CAC), Maersk, CMA CGM announce diversions

U.S. Navy to "secure" Red Sea passage, uncertainty increases

19 Dec 2023 6:53 AM GMT
~920,000 TEUs have diverted south of Africa & another ~1,002,000 are delayed in Suez area: Anders Schulze, Flexport

Tough times for shipping industry in 2024: Container xChange

22 Nov 2023 1:35 PM GMT
While blank sailings are expected to increase, imbalanced container availability may continue in certain regions

Israel-Palestine war: Maritime industry cautious

13 Oct 2023 10:46 AM GMT
Hostilities beyond the borders could introduce risks to two vital shipping choke points - Suez Canal & Strait of Hormuz

150,000 containers stuck in Russia: Container xChange

29 Sep 2023 8:13 AM GMT
Average price of a 40ft high cube container in Moscow was $4,175 in Feb 2022, which is $580 as of Sept 25, 2023

Container shipping nears turning point: Container xChange

19 Sep 2023 7:07 AM GMT
Carriers adopt slow steaming to manage tonnage; cost of moving empty containers, especially to Asia, remains significant

Panama Canal restrictions draw mixed reactions

24 Aug 2023 8:24 AM GMT
While restrictions could impact Christmas stocks, shippers diverting containers via Suez have been minimal

Ports expansion to accelerate container trading in India

1 Aug 2023 12:33 PM GMT
Container Availability index (CAx) lower than Q42022 as trade improves at Indian ports
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