Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Baltimore"

Indian Coast Guard operations continue to secure Maersk Frankfurt

21 July 2024 7:37 AM GMT
Vessel was sailing from Mundra to Colombo; Maersk confirms passing of one crew member

Baltimore update: Unified Command opens deep draft channel

26 April 2024 9:54 AM GMT
Vehicle carrier Carmen moved through temporary channel; operations to remove DALI will require suspension of transits

Baltimore update: Unified Command opens third temporary channel

20 April 2024 7:30 AM GMT
Current 2,000-yard safety zone around Francis Scott Key Bridge to protect personnel, vessels & marine environment

Removal of containers onboard DALI continues at Baltimore

12 April 2024 9:27 AM GMT
Approximately 38 containers have been removed; taking weight off to enable ship’s movement

Salvage operations continue in Baltimore as alternate channels open

7 April 2024 8:06 AM GMT
The Unified Command continued salvage operations at the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore. "Progress included the removal of a 156-tonne piece...

Challenges ahead for US East Coast ports, says Drewry

30 March 2024 11:49 AM GMT
Handling diverted Baltimore container cargo & anticipated growth in 2024 may prove challenging for U.S. East Coast ports

Baltimore bridge collapse seen affecting port, economy

27 March 2024 1:00 PM GMT
Vessel traffic into/out of Baltimore port suspended until further notice; six workers were missing and presumed dead

Baltimore bridge collapses after being hit by Maersk-chartered ship

26 March 2024 11:55 AM GMT
Video footage showed bridge across Patapsco river at the mouth of the port collapsing at about 1.30 a.m. local time
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