Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "2M alliance"

Dimerco says multiple reasons for high container freight rates

4 Jun 2024 6:32 AM GMT
Red Sea crisis continues to cause significant disruptions in global shipping; three alliances short by 36 vessels

Container shipping stock prices resilient: Drewry

14 Feb 2023 9:59 AM GMT
Despite continuous fall in freight rates, stock prices of major liners are consolidating at historically low valuations

Maersk integrator strategy high risk move: Drewry

3 Feb 2023 7:30 AM GMT
“Messaging to both sets (customers & shareholders) on how they will succeed needs to be crystal clear”

2M split: Container shipping heading for turmoil

26 Jan 2023 6:52 AM GMT
After controlling 35% capacity, the 2M alliance partners will now fight for market share and the same set of customers
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