Maersk moves first-ever east-west containerised rail cargo in India
January 22, 2021: Building an end-to-end solution for one of the largest exporters of iron pipes, Maersk moved a Doha-destined cargo on a dedicated train from Kolkata to Nhava Sheva port, this was the first time that such a movement took place from the east coast of India to the west coast, and then connecting the cargo to the required vessel.

January 22, 2021: Building an end-to-end solution for one of the largest exporters of iron pipes, Maersk moved a Doha-destined cargo on a dedicated train from Kolkata to Nhava Sheva port, this was the first time that such a movement took place from the east coast of India to the west coast, and then connecting the cargo to the required vessel.
The customer from the Eastern part of India was facing the lack of adequate availability and connectivity of vessels. Besides that Maersk also executed export customs clearance of the cargo before loading it on to the vessel. The cargo is expected to reach its destination in Doha over the coming days.
Steve Felder, managing director, Maersk South Asia said, “At Maersk, we believe in enabling trade by designing solutions that connect and simplify our customers’ supply chains. We have recognised the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic has triggered in the ecosystem and are innovating solutions that didn’t exist in the past. By providing landside movement on the rail, customs clearance and ocean shipping out of India, we have offered the customer a truly end to end solution. With the first successful run, we are now looking forward to scaling it up in the coming weeks.”