Indian Transport & Logistics

Made-in-India aircraft gets nod to fly civilian flights

December 26, 2017: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has permitted the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)-manufactured 19-seater Dornier 2

Commercial flight permit for made-in-India plane
Made-in-India aircraft gets permit to fly civilian flights

December 26, 2017: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has permitted the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)-manufactured 19-seater Dornier 228 to be used for civilian flights.

This would be the first made in India plane to be used for commercial flights. So far, the aircraft was being used by defence forces.

As per media reports, the DGCA has given type certification to this aircraft and also given certificate of airworthiness to HAL's Dornier 228. The certification issued by the DGCA will allow HAL to sell the platform to airlines in India and it can be used by them for regional flights under the Modi's government's UDAN scheme.

The 19-seater plane can cruise at 428 kmph and has a range of 700 km.

HAL Dornier aircraft (Credit: HAL official website)

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