Even in case of zero evacuation, JNPT prepared to handle containers at least for a month
April 10, 2020: Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) announced that the port is prepared to face any likely congestion of containers for at least a month even after zero evacuation happens.

April 10, 2020: Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) announced that the port is prepared to face any likely congestion of containers for at least a month even after zero evacuation happens.
“There have been reports that due to non-operation of factories in the hinterland, the evacuation of imports from Port is very slow and similarly there is a drop in exports received by the Port for the same reasons. The likely congestion has been considered and analyzed by the port and a plan for storage of the imports received in the port has been prepared,” says the release.
“Accordingly, a scenario analysis has been done considering the zero evacuation from the Port to CFS or hinterland and the port is well prepared and has adequate space to store the containers for at least a month. Also considering the current rate of evacuation, we are confident that there would be no congestion issue at the port for over a month too,” continues the release.
भारत सरकार च्या नौकानयन मंत्रालयाने जेएनपीटी चे कार्य अत्यावश्यक सेवा म्हणून घोषित केले असल्याने जेएनपीटी व जेएनपीटीशी संलग्न सर्व आस्थापनांचे कार्य नेहमी प्रमाणे चालू राहील. अधिक माहितीसाठी जेएनपीटीच्या नियंत्रण कक्षाशी 022-27244022 वर संपर्क साधावा.@shipmin_india pic.twitter.com/51erZDEmL4
— JNPT (@JNPort) April 4, 2020
In a video conference with JNPT chairman Sanjay Sethi IAS on Thursday, the Container Freight Stations (CFSs) and Custom House Agents (CHAs) suggested more measures for the seamless movement of the cargo.
Measures to support customers
Last month, JNPT took measures at JNPCT and extended reliefs to the trade in order to support port users and end-users like –
- Waiver of dwell time charges for all import containers moved by road (CFS/DPD/Empty) which were discharged from March 22 till April 14, 2020.
- Waiver of shifting charges for import containers for change of mode activity from the truck to rail to facilitate movement of CFS/DPD containers by rail.
- Allowing delivery of DPD containers from Terminals beyond the 48 hour period.
Control room and essential service duty pass
JNPT have also set up a control room in the port administrative building for resolving issues faced by port customers and also as a provision to facilitate hassle-free operations, the port is issuing an ‘Essential Service Duty Pass’ for all stakeholders entering the port premises. In order to get a pass issued, or raise any concern one can mail their requests to controlroom@jnport.gov.in or contact 022-27244077/67814022 between 8am to 8pm.