BMCT receives first coastal service call from Shreyas Shipping
22 October 2018: Bharat Mumbai Container Terminals (BMCT) recently welcomed Shreyas Shipping and Logistics Ltd’s ‘M.V. SSL Mumbai’, marking the first call of Shreyas’s PIX 1 (Pan India Express 1) service at the terminal.

22 October 2018: Bharat Mumbai Container Terminals (BMCT) recently welcomed Shreyas Shipping and Logistics Ltd’s ‘M.V. SSL Mumbai’, marking the first call of Shreyas’s PIX 1 (Pan India Express 1) service at the terminal.
The 1,613 TEU M.V. SSL Mumbai operates the PIX1 service with a sister vessel on the following rotation: BMCT, Cochin, Tuticorin, Mangalore, Mundra, Hazira and BMCT on a fortnightly basis. The call at BMCT offers options for both domestic shipments and international transshipment.
BMCT’s general manager Sivakumar Kaliannan said, “We are very pleased to welcome PIX1 to Bharat Mumbai Container Terminals. Before BMCT’s startup, capacity limitations at Nhava Sheva meant there were very few regular coastal service calls. With Shreyas’ PIX 1, domestic shippers now have the option of moving their shipments from truck to ship and can enjoy a cheaper and more environmentally-friendly transport option. We will also be working closely with Shreyas to develop transhipment options and allow carriers to increase connectivity and rationalise service calls on the West Coast.”
CEO of Shreyas Shipping, Captain VK Singh stated, “Shreyas is pleased to commence its coastal service calls at BMCT in JNPT. We are targeting both EXIM and domestic trades and see these markets as having great potential which, with BMCT’s new capacity, we are now able to capture. Shreyas is also playing its part in the Sagarmala initiative by promoting coastal shipping in this way.”