Blue Water Lines went live with e-BL; urges EXIM firms to join
June 27, 2020: The B2B marketplace powered by Portall Infosystems, P-CaSo, announced that Abrao Group of companies constituting – Omega Shipping, Poseidon Shipping and Aissa Maritime, - went live with electronic bill of lading (e-BL) using blockchain on CargoX platform for their Blue Water Line, a non-vessel owning common carrier (NVOCC).

June 27, 2020: The B2B marketplace powered by Portall Infosystems, P-CaSo, announced that Abrao Group of companies constituting – Omega Shipping, Poseidon Shipping and Aissa Maritime, - went live with electronic bill of lading (e-BL) using blockchain on CargoX platform for their Blue Water Line, a non-vessel owning common carrier (NVOCC).
Blue Water Lines and Abrao group offers an open invitation for exporters and importers wanting to move to blockchain e-BL and will support them as they move away from paper documents.
“The entire set of players in the transaction deserve a round of applause from the maritime ecosystem; as it makes its strongest effort yet to move away from paper and embrace digital bills of lading and trade documentation. It is therefore commendable that Blue Water Lines, an NVOCC box operator was the first to adopt this technology from India,” says the Portal release.
Portall and CargoX urged other NVOCCs, forwarders, MLOS and also exporters and importers to leap. Indian Ports Association(IPA) assures eDO and e-invoice via PCS1x to complete the seamless digital experience.