Page 12 - ITLN May June 2023 Magazine
P. 12

Cover Story

         part of its commitment to reducing the
         environmental impact of logistics.
           “A key component of effective green
         logistics is data analytics, which can
         provide valuable insights into areas
         where emissions and waste can be
         reduced. Furthermore, industry-wide
         collaboration and cooperation, including
         the establishment of industry standards
         and best practices, can accelerate
         progress towards a more sustainable
         future,” said Mathur.
           Apart from increasing efforts to
         have carbon neutral operations, DHL
         also enables visibility of sustainability
         measures to their customers through
         carbon reporting.
           “Using data and analytics from our
         carbon reporting can enable sustainable
         decisions for our customers’ supply
         chain. The objective of our reporting
         tool is to identify carbon hotspots and
         areas of operational improvement within
         our customer’s supply chain and help
         reduce the environmental impact of
         logistics. Connected control towers are
         the nerve centres of our entire transport
         operation. Through our network design,
         routing & scheduling techniques, we
         optimise our transport operations                                      the potential detrimental effect
         leading to effective usage of our owned                                that technology may have on the
         and leased fleet & reduction of carbon                                 environment. As a result, they have
         emissions,” Anand added.                                               taken aggressive efforts to integrate
           Mahindra Logistics is investing                                      cutting-edge technology with eco-
         in its facilities and vehicles. The                                    friendly logistical approaches in order to
         new state-of-the-art warehousing                                       reduce carbon impact.
         facilities of Mahindra Logistics are                                     “Our commitment to sustainability
         designed in line with its sustainability                               is reflected in the installation of solar
         standards, including liquid discharge                                  panels across our sites, reducing the
         management, renewable energy, waste                                    environmental impact of our operations.
         management requirements and state-                                     Additionally, we've implemented
         of-the-art automation.                                                 turbo fans and an innovative dock
           “The estate incorporates market                                      design that includes dock levellers
         leading sustainability and environmental   The major obstacles         to regulate warehouse temperature,
         initiatives including solar power         faced by businesses          thereby reducing heating and cooling
         generation and distribution for           while switching to           requirements. We also leverage real-
         warehouse and common infrastructure       green logistics can          time data intelligence to achieve
         energy provision. With our fleet of                                    sustainable fleet operations. These are
         electric vehicles - eDel - we are turning   be implementing            just a few of the many initiatives we've
         early adopters and aim to lead the          green logistics            implemented to promote sustainability
         EV cargo space market by developing      methods that require          and efficiency in our daily operations
         an electric delivery ecosystem that       great investment in          while safeguarding the environment
         supports both fulfilment and B2C           new technologies,           against harmful effects,” Juneja added.
         logistics. This entails enhancing supply    equipment, and
         chain efficiency and cost effectiveness                                Future of green logistics in India
         while significantly reducing carbon         infrastructure.            As environmental and climate change
         footprint,” said Singhai.                  Naveen Mathur               concerns develop, green logistics is
           As a 3PL logistics and warehousing           NimbusPost              becoming an increasingly essential
         company, Varuna Group understands                                      element of India's transportation industry.
         May - June 2023                                                                       
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